Berliner Börsenkreis e.V.

Education. Finance. Network.

About us

We connect theoretical and practical knowledge since 1986

Willkommen auf der Website des Berliner Börsenkreises. Wir sind eine studentische Vereinigung mit einer Vielzahl von unterschiedlichen Tätigkeiten. Dabei geht es immer darum für Studenten, Mitglieder und Interessierte einen Mehrwert im Bereich des Finanzwissens zu bieten. Einige Beispiele siehst du hier:


Get to know the world of finance through the view of experts from different branches.

Berlin Investment Group

Werde selbst aktiv bei unserer Portfolio-Challenge. Durch praktische Ansätze kannst du dich als Analyst ausprobieren ohne eigenes Kapital zu riskieren.

Jetzt mitmachen

Events and Networking

With lots of different events throughout the year you have the opportunity to get to know a lot of people and companies.

Stay up to date

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date with our upcoming events.

Stay up to date

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date with our upcoming events.


In our Calendar you can see all the upcoming events for the next semester.

Become a Member

Use the Opportunity to become a part of a great financial network. Not only do you learn a lot with our lectures about the different fields in the financial industries but you can also get free subscriptions of stock market magazines.

Become a Member

Use the Opportunity to become a part of a great financial network. Not only do you learn a lot with our lectures about the different fields in the financial industries but you can also get free subscriptions of stock market magazines.

Get in Touch

Get in touch and learn more about our work and the Berliner Börsenkreis.

Berliner Börsenkreis e.V.
Anton-Saefkow-Platz 8
10369 Berlin

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