The Club

Get to know us.

The Berliner Börsenkreis e.V. (BBK) is a non-profit student-led association. It was founded in 1986 at Freie Universität Berlin by teaching assistants at the Chair for Banking and Finance. Nowadays, it is considered to be one of the biggest non-political student associations in Berlin with more than 450 members.

We offer students, who are interested in business and economic topics, a platform, where they can exchange and learn from each other as well as build their professional network with companies in order to gather practical experience.

The idea of our association is to promote the share culture in Germany. We made it our goal to improve the financial knowledge of the association, especially its younger members. In this way, we can contribute to the reinforcement of the trust and to acceptance of the capital markets. Our main purpose is first of all to fulfill our educational as well as informational mission. In order to reach it, we organize lectures, workshops and seminars around the topics of the economy and the stock exchange, which are free of charge for everyone.

Darüber hinaus organisieren wir in Zusammenarbeit mit namenhaften Unternehmen, wie etwa der Deutschen Bank, der Börse Berlin, Accenture und PWC, Workshops, auf denen wir Studenten und Berufseinsteigern die Möglichkeit bieten, sich über Karrieremöglichkeiten im Bereich des Banking & Finance zu informieren und erste berufliche Kontakte zu knüpfen.

Other events, which we offer on a regular basis, include so called

  • Börsenführerschein (series of lectures providing attendants with the basic knowledge in topics of trading and financial markets)
  • Regelmäßige Vorträge zu allen Themen rund um Börse und Finanzmärkte von Partnerunternehmen
  • career workshops with companies from banking and finance sector
  • Monatlicher Börsenstammstisch, bei dem sich unsere Mitglieder zu aktuellen Finanzthemen austauschen

We are a non-political and fully independent association. We are neither an investment club that manages investments of its members, nor we offer or recommend particular investment products. We rather see our purpose in transferring the knowledge about stock exchange, business and economics to make private investors able to take their own investment decisions.

Interessierte sind jederzeit eingeladen, unsere Veranstaltungen zu besuchen.  Eine Übersicht mit demnächst anstehenden Terminen findest Du in unserem Veranstaltungskalender.

Darüber hinaus suchen wir ständig nach engagierten Menschen, die Interesse daran haben, in unserem Verein Verantwortung zu übernehmen, ihre eigenen Ideen bei der Gestaltung unseres Vereinslebens einzubringen oder uns bei der Organisation von Veranstaltungen zu unterstützen. Wenn Du Interesse an einer aktiven Mitarbeit in unserem Verein hast, schreib uns eine E-Mail an

    By paying the membership fee, you support our work, which could not be possible without the financial backing from our members and sponsors. As a member you also get various advantages such as charge free subscription to different newspapers and magazines as well as an exclusive access to different internship and trainee positions.

    It is highly beneficial to participate actively in BBK’s life as well. For example, you will have a possibility to acquire different soft skills through the work in our team, which will be definitely useful for your further professional career. Moreover, you can build your personal professional network through close cooperation with big companies in banking & finance sector.

    Become a Member

    Use the Opportunity to become a part of a great financial network. Not only do you learn a lot with our lectures about the different fields in the financial industries but you can also get free subscriptions of stock market magazines.

    Become a Member

    Use the Opportunity to become a part of a great financial network. Not only do you learn a lot with our lectures about the different fields in the financial industries but you can also get free subscriptions of stock market magazines.

    Get in Touch

    Get in touch and learn more about our work and the Berliner Börsenkreis.

    Berliner Börsenkreis e.V.
    Anton-Saefkow-Platz 8
    10369 Berlin

    Write us:

    7 + 13 =
